Add Project Files

To access this scree:

The Project Files screen is a part of the Project Wizard and is used to add or remove files to the project being created.

Note: You don't have to add files to a project when you create it. You can also add them later.

To add files to a project during project creation:

  1. Review any listed files, if any. This list contains entries automatically if the Location (specified on the Project Properties screen) contains files and Automatically add files is checked.

  2. Click Add File(s) to show a file browser allowing you to select files to be added to the project. Files can be added from any available location.

    Note: The total length of a file and path cannot exceed 255 characters.

  3. To remove listed files (so they aren't added to the project during creation) pick one or more displayed file references and choose Remove File(s).

  4. Click Next to progress to the Create Project screen. See Create Project.

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